Project Approach

Our approach will be to utilize all of our resources to insure optimum performance of the project.

  1. Upon contract awarding, we will open an office in the vicinity of the project.  This office will be used as an interview site for all displacees and owners. (We feel that it is important for our displacees and acquisition customers to have a local office and phone number so that they may feel that their needs are being addressed.)
  2. We have a portable field office that will be on site.
  3. We will have a secretary/receptionist to handle all the office tasks.  (All calls will be responded to within 24 hours to provide good customer relations).
  4. We will provide a project manager and two relocation specialists.  We have the capability to add two more relocation agents if needed.
  5. We will provide an acquisition manager and other qualified acquisition agents as needed.
  6. We will provide weekly reports of progress for acquisitions and attend all meetings with your agency.  The project manager and the acquisition manager will attend these meetings (and others as deemed necessary.
  7. We will provide reports in GIS, more specifically the ARCGIS 9.3.1 map format (color coded) and we will have forms that are easy to understand that describe each contact with all owners and displacees.
  8. We will commit to work with all available resources that your agency and Property Acquisition Services, L.L.C. feel are most efficient.
  9. We will adhere to a specific timetable and if there are unforeseen issues we will work with your agency’s staff to resolve such issues.
  10. All personnel that Property Acquisition Services, L.L.C. uses will be qualified by standards used by the department of transportation.
  11. All personnel will work under the supervision of the project manager, and your agency is invited to attend our bi-weekly meetings.
  12. We will at all times work under the guidelines of the Uniform Relocation and Acquisition Acts.  (49 CFR)
  13. We will adhere to all timelines that are applicable to the Uniform Act and that have been adopted by your agency.
  14. We will begin the relocation process while appraisals are being acquired.
  15. We will provide a list of property owners and/or tenants as soon as the title examination is complete.
  16. We will adhere to specific time schedules in compliance with the 49 CFR and any issue that requires an extension will be requested through your agency.
  17. All contacts with your agency and Property Acquisition Services, L.L.C. will be documented and kept in the project office for review.
  18. Two sets of files will be maintained.  One for Property Acquisition Services, L.L.C. and one for review upon completion of the project to your agency.
  19. The project manager is the primary authority and Property Acquisition Services, L.L.C. will rely on the manager for direction and guidance through the project.  The project manager will be accessible to your agency at all times.

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